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Welcome to Omni Auto Finance Inc. a division of Omni Financial. Here you will find all the information you need about our company.

Hi, Andrew my name is Linda from Omni Auto Finance congratulations you're now approved, When is a good time to chat?
How it 3:00pm tomorrow? Please
We go the extra mile, not just a step.
Omni Auto Finance is not your average financial institution. Omni Auto Finance is an Ontario based company with deep roots in the automotive industry. At Omni, it’s all about understanding your goals to help you fulfill your automotive needs. Omni, doesn’t make decisions based on stockholders whose interests lay elsewhere. Omni defines success by helping people in every financial situation, delivering a great experience where everyone is a respected client.
We drive a customer focused business that is measured by your satisfaction. Our clients needs always come first. Not ours.
In life, there are many detours and sometimes bad things happen to the best people. Omni Auto Finance is here for you to continue that journey.

Sounds great, i'll have all the required paperwork
ready for review. And congratulations again on your approval.
Thank you for being so quick and professional